Minimal Requirements for Winlator

Type:Windows Emulator
Last Updated:01st March, 2025
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Minimum system Requirement

  • Android Version – Android 9.0 (Android Pie) or later.
  • CPU – Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 series (Snapdragon 460) or higher.
  • GPU – Adreno 610 or higher.
  • Free Internal Storage – At least 2GB.
  • RAM – At least 2GB (based on the type of the game you choose to play)
  • Root Access – Does not need.

Best for Windows games released before 2012. Games released on 2012 and onward may experience performance issues even on flagship Android devices.

Tips to improve performance

Tip 1: If you experience performance issues try changing Box64 preset to “Performance“.

  1. Select three dots on the container to open container menu.
  2. Select edit.
  3. Scroll horizontally reveal “Advanced” settings on the bottom half of the container settings.
  4. Select “Advanced” settings.
  5. Change Box64 Preset to “Performance”.
Set Box64 preset to performance in Winlator

Tip 2: Make sure to install “Wine Mono” if you plan to use Windows applications that rely on .Net framework.

  1. Open Start Menu
  2. Go to system tools.
  3. Install Wine Mono

Tip 3: Does very old Windows games won’t start. Try adding environmental variable MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR with the value 2003 in the container settings -> Environmental Variables. Check below images to see how to add this environmental variable correctly.

  1. Open Container settings.
  2. Select “Environmental Variables”
  3. Select “Add” button.
  4. Enter MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR as the name.
  5. Enter 2003 as the value.
Winlator Change Environmental Variable

Tip 4: Does low resolution games does not show correctly? To display low resolutions games correctly on your Android mobile or tablet enable “Force Fullscreen”.

  1. Go to advance settings on the game shortcut settings page.
  2. Enable “Force Fullscreen” option.

Tip 5: Does Windows games that uses Unity engine cause issues? Enable following settings to run Windows games based on Unity engine to run smoothly.

  • Change Box64 preset to Stability.

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